A strong brand – how to create it

Every business owner hopes that his brand will quickly win the recognition of consumers, that it will live a long and happy life and bring the deserved profit. Unfortunately, out of thousands of brands appearing daily all over the world only few occupy their niche in the market. In some cases fortunate circumstances play a role: predecessors have laid the foundation, consumers have already formed needs, and it remains to take the last step in the right direction. However, even successful pioneers have to keep moving, because this is the only way to get away from the followers, who dream to repeat the success of the leaders. We will try to define the rules of creating a strong brand without considering such factors as luck and personal charisma of the creators of famous brands.

The first step in creating the future brand is to collect information and analyze it. This is important both when it comes to a familiar market segment and when trying to explore new markets. The ability to catch trends in a particular industry and consumer expectations, often not yet formed into concrete images, is the basis of the future brand. It is necessary to correctly assess developments and identify what consumers really need. Today they want to spend minimum time on food, but tomorrow they want it to be non-caloric and healthy; today they need a powerful computer, tomorrow they need a powerful but small one, and the day after tomorrow they will need something that combines the functions of various gadgets. The winners are those who analyze the information correctly.

Once we have decided what the product or service will be, and we have formulated the idea, we can move on to its creative realization. We have to make all the components of the future brand work for the idea, so that each element blends in seamlessly with the others, and together they create a clear and emotionally strong image. Only in this case, the consumer will be able to perceive and evaluate your idea, because he won’t read multipage marketing studies, he won’t see reports of focus groups. The name, packaging and/or the product itself, the advertising message/slogan – this is all that the consumer will see against thousands of other names, packages and messages. Those who can interest without causing negativity, explain without being misleading win.

If the creation and launch of the product on the market went well, it’s time to move on to the next stage – brand development. If there is enough potential in the product and its brand from the very beginning, its creators only have to follow the internal logic of the brand, to update it with external realities. Unfortunately, not all products and brands are designed for a long life: beepers and camera film have disappeared into oblivion, many brands of drinks and food at some point become unfashionable. However, if there are no objective reasons for the disappearance of products or brands, competent brand management, its natural development will help it to live a bright and rich life.